Saving up to purchase a property doesn’t mean that you have to give up on going out on Saturday nights. There are ways to enjoy the thrills of life while still being able to have a social life. While the word budgeting can put people into a state of social depression, it is a great way to monitor your spending so that you are able to fund the lifestyle you want to live.
With a plan in place, this will help you get on the right path and help you achieve your goals without having to go cold turkey on red wine. We can assist in meeting your objectives one step at a time.

It’s inevitable that one day you will have to leave your business, whether that is to retire or due to health issues, having a plan in place is crucial. A succession strategy for the day you leave provides comfort and peace of mind for you and your family as well as useful information for the person next in line to take over.
Focused Wealth has the experience to help you create a detailed plan to make the transition as smooth and pain-free as possible for both you and the new owner.
Whether the new owner is an existing employee, close family member, or an external third party it’s good to know your business is in safe hands for the future. After all your business is your empire and your legacy.
Many people associate the word ‘saving’ with sacrifice however it doesn’t have to be this way. Cash flow management is all about understanding where your money is coming from and where it’s going. We can help you to align your spending with your goals and put you on a clear path towards achieving a secure financial future.
Even the most seasoned investors can become spooked during times of market volatility, however experienced investors understand that investing remains one of the most effective ways to grow wealth over the long term, even when you take into account occasional market downturns. Regardless of whether you’re an experienced investor or just starting out, we can create an investment strategy that’s designed to achieve your financial goals and objectives.
Have you thought about what would happen if you were unable to work for weeks, months or even years? While it’s not something we like to think about, a loss of income can place financial strain on your life. Having a Plan B will help you get back onto the path of reaching your goals without having to compromise your lifestyle.
While it may not seem like it yet, your superannuation savings are likely to be your greatest asset (aside from the family home) when you’re ready to retire, so it’s important to make sure your super savings are working hard for you. We’re highly experienced when it comes to super planning and can help you with a strategy that’s right for you.
In today’s fast-paced buy now pay later world it’s no wonder many people are struggling with debt. Debt can be debilitating and overwhelming and wreak havoc with your mental wellbeing. If you’re finding it hard to cope we can help. We’ll help you to get your spending back under control and show you how you can eliminate debt for good.
While we don’t like to think about it, there comes a time when we need to start thinking about how our possessions and accumulated wealth will be passed on to family and friends when we pass away. This is where estate planning can help. An effective estate plan is all about ensuring that your estate is transferred to your beneficiaries in accordance with your wishes and in a way that minimises taxes and fees. Wouldn’t it be nice to know that you’ve done everything possible to make this transition as smooth as possible for those you care for.